
> Civil Engineering > Laboratories

Geo-technical Engineering Lab

Geo-technical engineering is the broader term which includes soil engineering, rock mechanics and geology. The term soil mechanics was coined by Dr. Karl Terzaghi in 1925. Soil engineering has vast application in the construction of various civil engineering works like foundations, retaining structures, stability of slopes, underground structures, pavement design and earthen dam. The geo-technical engineering lab is well designed to conduct all the experiments related to soil classification and strength test such as sieve analysis, hydrometer analysis, atterberg’s limit, free swell test, proctor compaction test, permeability test, CBR test, consolidation test, swelling pressure test and unconfined compression test etc. Also syllabus includes various field test as auger boring, sampling, standard penetration test, dynamic penetration test, plate load test and Pile load test.

Major Equipment:
Proctor compaction test apparatus, Permeability test apparatus, Consolidation test apparatus, Cone penetrometer apparatus, Pycnometer, Plastic limit set, Shrinkage limit set, Casagrande apparatus, Core cutter.

Concrete Technology Lab

In Concrete Technology laboratory students can perform several experiments on concrete and its ingredients for its Physical and Mechanical Properties.

Major Equipment:
Los Angeles abrasion testing machine, Aggregate Impact testing machine, Aggregate crushing value apparatus, Motorized sieve shaker, Vicat needle apparatus, Compaction factor test apparatus, Specific gravity apparatus, Flow table, Rebound hammer, Mortar mixer. 


Surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them. Surveying has been an element in the development of the human environment since the beginning of recorded history. The planning and execution of most forms of construction require it. It is also used in transport, communications, mapping, and the definition of legal boundaries for land ownership.

Major Equipments:

  • Total Station    
  • Theodolite
  • Dumpy level
  • Plane Table
  • Prismatic Compass
  • Surveyor’s Compas
  • Planimeter

Environmental Engineering Lab

Environmental Engineering has a long history of highly respected water and environmental research. Environmental Engineering is the integration of science and engineering principles to improve the natural environment, to provide healthy water, air, and land for human habitation and for other organisms, and to remediate pollution sites.

  • Scope of Environmental Engineering
  • Solid waste management
  • Environmental impact assessment and mitigation
  • Water supply and treatment
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Air pollution management

Major Equipment:
Flocculator, COD equipment, BOD equipment, Conductivity meter, Turbidity meter, Sound level meter.

Mechanics of Solid Lab

This subject provides an introduction to the mechanics of materials and structures. You will be introduced to and become familiar with all relevant physical properties and fundamental laws governing the behavior of materials and structures and you will learn how to solve a variety of problems of interest to civil engineers. While there will be a chance for you to put your mathematical skills obtained to use in this subject, the emphasis is on the physical understanding of why a material or structure behaves the way it does in the engineering design of materials and structures. Students learn experimental technique, data collection, analysis, and presentation of results through a series of experiments.

Major Equipment:
Universal testing machine, Impact test, Brinell hardness test, Law of parallelogram apparatus, Law of polygon apparatus, Coefficient of friction apparatus, CG of lamina, Simple wheel and axle, Simple screw Jack.

Highway Engineering Lab

This laboratory contains different equipment’s used to categorize soil and bitumen binders in terms of their properties and quality control and provides an additional exposure to the testing of Highway Construction materials for the Civil Engineering students.

Major Equipment:
Ductility testing machine, Tar viscometer, Ring and ball apparatus, Flash and fire apparatus, CBR test apparatus, Hot plate, Standard penetrometer.

Fluid Mechanics Lab

Fluid Mechanics is a science that deals with the behavior of fluid at rest and in motion. It combines hydraulics (concerned with motion of the water) and hydraulicians (relied on field observation and laboratory tests). Applications of Fluid Mechanics in daily life are: Flight of bird in air, motion of fish in water, circulation of blood in veins, human heart is an example of pump, design of aeroplanes and ships, oil and gas pipelines, water supply systems etc.In the environment of air and water, everything we do is somewhat related to Fluid Mechanics.

Major Equipment: Orifice and mouthpiece apparatus, Venturimeter, Reynold’s apparatus, Bernoulli’s theorem apparatus, Notch apparatus, Metacentric height apparatus.

Earthquake Engineering Lab

As we know that the Earthquake is the most severe disaster which causes the collapse of the structure. To protect the structure against the earthquake, as An Engineer we must understand the basic of earthquake and remedies to minimize the effect of earthquake on the structure.

In this department is well equipped with the latest equipment for batter means of the earthquake fundamentals. These laboratory deals with teaching, research work, and consultancy services for the entire Civil Engineering project. So the laboratory is helpful to mitigate the disaster by earthquake. The study related to

the structural design, performance assessment of the structure and retrofit, response of the structure subjected to dynamic loading etc. can be done.

Major Equipment:
Uniaxial shake table, Shear wall model, Bracing system, Mode shape model, Liquefaction model, Pounding effect, spring mass model, Ductile detailing model.