> Mechanical Engineering > Laboratories
Heat and Mass Transfer Lab

Heat Transfer Laboratory helps the students to understand the basic concepts of heat transfer: Conduction, Convection and Radiation which are the three basic modes for heat transfer to take place. The Heat & Mass Transfer Laboratory has facility to conduct different tests like measurement of thermal conductivity for composite wall, hollow and composite cylinders, hollow and composite spheres, Critical thickness of insulation, efficiency and effectiveness of fin, Emissivity measurement, Effectiveness and number of transfer unit for parallel and counter flow heat exchanger, etc.
Major Equipments:
Emissivity Measurement Apparatus, Forced Convection Apparatus, Stefan Boltzmann Apparatus, Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Insulting Powder Apparatus, Natural Convection Apparatus, Metal Rod Conductivity Measurement Apparatus, Shell and Tube, Tube-in-Tube, Finned Tube Heat Exchanger.
Dynamics of Machinery Lab

Dynamics of Machinery Laboratory has facility to understand concept of various mechanisms with the help of models, gyroscopic effects, measurement of radius of gyration, balancing and vibrations.
Major Equipments:
Models of different Mechanisms, Gyroscope setup, Balancing of Rotating masses setup, Vibration apparatus, Whirling of shaft setup and Compound pendulum, Bifilar suspension and Trifilar suspension apparatus.
Fluid Power Engineering Lab

Fluid Power Engineering Laboratory has facility to introduce Flow through Pipes, Impact of Jet, Hydraulic Turbines, Pumps, Different Compressors and Miscellaneous Machines.
Major Equipments:
Centrifugal Pump Test Rig, Francis Turbine Test Rig, Pelton Wheel Rig, Impact of Jet, Reciprocating Pump Test Rig.
Mechanical Measurement & Metrology Lab

Mechanical Measurement & Metrology Laboratory has facility to introduce Linear Measurements, Angular and Taper Measurements, Screw Thread Measurements, Gear Measurements, Measurement of Surface Finish, Straightness, Flatness, Square ness, Parallelism and Machine Tool Tests, Basic Concepts of Measurements, Temperature Measurement and Miscellaneous Measurement.
Major Equipments:
Tool Maker’s Microscope, Metallurgical Microscopes with Specimen, Hardness Tester and Muffle Furnace, Dial Gauge Calibration Tester, Surface Roughness Tester, Profile Projector, Lever type dial Indicator.
Automobile Engineering Lab

Automobile Engineering Laboratory has facility to introduce Automobile & its performance. Laboratory provides the basics about Chassis, Frame, Body, Transmission System & its components, Steering System, Suspension System, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres, Battery, Lighting System, etc.
Major Equipments:
Ignition system of Automobile, Fuel supply system of Petrol Engine & Diesel Engine, Lubrication System of Automobile, Petrol Engine Test Rig, Diesel Engine Test Rig.
Elements of Mechanical Engineering Lab

An Element of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory provides the basic information of engineering components through various models. These all models are very useful for clearing the practical concepts from the ground level for all the first year engineering students.
Major Equipments:
Models of different boilers and accessories, I.C. Engine models, Centrifugal pump model, Model of different brake system, Model of steering system, Model of different gears, Model of Universal coupling.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lab

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning laboratory focuses on the basics in the field of R & AC. The lab devotes itself to experimental srudy work on Ice Plant, Vapour Absorption System and Refrigeration System which enables students practically as well as theoretically approach toward the subject. The boasts of Heat Pump and Window Air Conditioning facility. Students get expose to the state of art, technology in this lab.
Major Equipments:
Window air conditioner, Heat Pump. Ref. cycle test ring, Ice Plant, Vapour Absorption system, Cut section of hermetical sealed compressor.

Major Equipments:
Lathe Machines, Milling Machine, Shapping Machine, Slotting Machine, Drilling Machine, Grinding Machine, Spot Welding Machine, Electric Arc Welding Machine, Oxyacetylene Gas Welding Machine, TIG Welding Machine, MIG Welding Machine.
Computer Aided Design Lab

Computer Aided Design helps the students to learn basic concept of AutoCAD 2D, AutoCAD 3D, 2D parametric modeling, 3D parametric modeling, surface modeling, solid modeling, various types of analysis, simulation, etc. so that students are encouraged to apply the knowledge in design point of view.
Fluid Mechanics Lab

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory helps the students to understand the basic concept of fluid mechanics, fundamentals of flow through pipes and basics of compressible flow.
Major Equipments:
Pitot Tube, Venturimeter apparatus, Reynold’s apparatus, Pressure Measurement apparatus, Orifice meter apparatus, Pipe fitting apparatus, Metacentric height apparatus, Open Channel apparatus (Notches), Nozzle Meter, Manometer, Viscometer, Elastic Pressure Transducers, Force Balance Pressure gauge, Electrical Pressure Transducers.