Training and Placement Cell

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The Training and Placement Cell is committed to the professional progress of HJD students through integrating the career issues within an academic environment for realizing their best possible path.


The mission of this Cell is to achieve maximum placement for students through dedication, attitude and complete involvement. The cell holds the objective of acquainting the students of the Institute with Industries. The cell conducts training activities for the final year students mainly focusing on Career planning, Personality development, Industry- Institute Interaction, off site training, Industrial Visits, Campus placements, Entrepreneurship Development. Continuous interaction of the cell with the industries also helps in achieving the above goals & motivating students to contribute in this direction. This cell is also helping students to improve English language & Communication skill.

Contact Details

Training and Placement Cell
HJD Institute of Technical Education and Research
Mob No. +91-9099037436

Mr. Tushar Makwana

Training and Placement Cell

HJD Institute of Technical Education and Research

Mob No. +91-9099037436